How eleusine indica is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Pode ser encontrada em quase todas as regioes do pais, principalmente regiao norte. Eleusine indica, the indian goosegrass, yardgrass, goosegrass, wiregrass, or crowfootgrass, is a species of grass in the family poaceae. Philippine herbal mediciines an illustrated compilation by dr godofredo stuart, with botanical information, chemical properties, folkloric uses and research studies. General information about eleusine indica elein eppo global database. Capimpedegalinha eleusine indica panorama fitossanitario. A tufted annual grass, prostrate and spreading, or erect to about 40 cm, depending on density of vegetation.
Caleoptilo em forma dwe lanca, estriado, verdeclaro e glabro. Fotos gramineas con inflorescencia en espiga multiple 1. Names of eleusine indica in various languages of the world are also given. It can however be a productive forage providing up to 30 tha of fresh matter, and it can be eaten by livestock at early stages of growth ecocrop, 2019. Maleza muy comun en cultivos, jardines y lugares abiertos. Desyerbo manual arrancar a mano o usando asada, pico, machete, etc. Maleza muy comun en cultivos, jardines y lugares abiertos transitados. A tufted annual grass, prostrate and spreading, or erect to about 40 cm.
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